DESTINY 6th General Assembly
24/11/2021The DESTINY consortium virtually gathered for the 6th General Assembly of the project, virtually hosted by [...]

Ecomondo 2021: great success for the DESTINY project!
08/11/2021DESTINY participated in Ecomondo: the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo [...]

DESTINY showcased in Ecomondo 2021
26/10/2021DESTINY was presented to stakeholder and key players of the energy and microwave technology sectors in [...]

DESTINY will present its progresses in Ecomondo 2021
07/10/2021DESTINY will present its results and progresses during the ‘Sustainable technological innovations for [...]

DESTINY joined the AMPRE 2021 conference
04/10/2021DESTINY joined AMPRE 2021, a reference conference of the novelties in science and technology in [...]

New article by IST available!
23/09/2021Proud to present “Numerical simulation and optimization of the ceramic pigments production process using microwave [...]

Enjoy reading the 5th DESTINY newsletter!
15/07/2021Along with the latest technical progresses gained by the consortium, DESTINY has also started a collaboration [...]

Great success for the webinar organized by Perform and Liberate projects!
17/06/2021PERFORM and LIBERATE projects held their webinar “Organic Electrochemistry: Towards the electrification of the European [...]

DESTINY 5th General Assembly
03/05/2021The DESTINY consortium virtually gathered for the project 5th General Assembly, held on 27th-28th April 2021 [...]